-We are an assortment, an array, an enigma, and a club of HOT BODS who spend their time on the http://www.internet.com/ prowling for DIRTY GIRLZ.
-Fully qualified and CUMitted to fill you in about stupid shit you prob dont wanna hear
-double digits of dirty girls bagged and tagged between us all
-love of the INTERNET
Founding Fathers:
-these guyz....
Think you got what it takes to become a HOT BOD? email us: hotbodsrockhard@gmail.com or search your local internet site for us...or ask somebody, idiot
I want in. I think my resume exceeds the expectations
the only way i'm in is if you say it's because of my "hot bod".. no other way.
could i get in on this. im west coast and all..... but i mean c'mon........ i can be hot and .....stuff
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